Monday, March 8, 2010

Real World: Inkwenkwezi

This is the true story... of seven strangers... picked to live in on a together and have their lives blogged about... to find out what happens... when people stop being polite... and start getting real...The Real World.

Meet the cast:

Kim, 26, from Manhattan, NY. Quit her job in the hotel business to travel the world for two years. Loves to wave at every animal she sees while simultaneously making animal noises. Drinks Vodka with water and has never eaten meat in her life.

Andrew, 18, from Akton, MA. Formerly a camp counselor. Is traveling the Africa for three months during his "gap" year, which is the year after you graduate highschool and before you start college. (umm mom? dad? where was my trip?) He is heading to Madagascar after his stay at Inkwenkwezi to play around with marine biology. Andrew always seems to be injured. He refers to himself as a "one beer queer" (really he calls himself this) and REALLY likes his ipod.

Neil, 21, landscaper from the UK. Has been here at Inkwenkwezi the longest of us all, going on three months. He loves to drink and pretend he is homosexual. When there is mud, dirt, suntan lotion, anything around, he loves to rub it erotically all over his chest. He loves to sing queen and perform other musical tributes during drinking games. Did i mention he really loves to drink?

Tim, 18, stockboy from the UK. Will be here for nine weeks total at the end of his stay. Loves to smoke fag after fag. Has the best underwear selection i have ever seen. Enjoys "thats what she said jokes" as much as the next guy, but delivers his own with such finesse. Tim and I will be the only vollies on the reserve for a week, so i bet i will have more to say about in next week.

Tara, 26, bartender from America. Gets excited easily. Has a gigantic tattoo of a tree on her back. Will volunteer to do just about anything with a machete (penga in afrikaan) axe, or pick axe. So far has been nominated as the hardest working female vollie EVER. Loves vulgarity and beer.

Sonya and Don, way older then everyone else. Both from UK. Here on their honey moon. They only lasted on the reserve for two days. They reaaaally hated one of the guides. (he got a weeks unpaid vacation because of their complaints) My guess is they went to Jamaica like everyone else.

Every morning you either wake up sore from yesterdays challenge, or hungover from last nights party.

Unfortunately, by the beginning of next week, all of the cast members, except two, will be moving on to make bad made-for-TV movies, continue reality tv or host the next worst show on MTV. Or in this case, go home, or travel to another country.

Next time, on Real World: Inkwenkwezi, Tara and Tim ride elephants. Stay Tuned.

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