Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Monsters NOT in my closet.

On a different note.. apparently i talked to you all for too long because when i looked outside the computer room it was pitch black. Shall i remind some people of my shameful secret? I am still afraid of the dark.

I had been on the reserve for less then twelve hours at this point. I didnt know my way around, and i didnt know how serious these guides were in what they told us.
A few things they told us to always remember... check for ticks every moment you can (seriously they are on the tips of every blade of grass you walk by. its nasty), dont drink the water ( bottles of water on the reserve are 2R which equates into less then a quarter in USD) if you see a RHINO just chilling stand very still until it moves on, or if it charges at you scream and clap your hands as loud as possible (Kinda like Hooray! I am going to get trampled!! Oh and did i mention that rhinos, like to hang out at our camp after dark. The really big ones, especially) american suck and always will suck (we get heckeled on a regular basic. dodgy freakin brits), don't leave food out in the kitchen because, with the doors closed, windows locks, etc, the crazy little monkeys WILL molest the food (they dont eat it, they just throw it around. Apparently last week, they broke into the kitchen, stuck there fingers in everything, and then just took a giant dump on the table) and the biggest disclaimer of all... well the most relevant to my story... DO NOT WALK AROUND THE CAMP AT NIGHT.

I could see anything. The moonlight seemed to be facing the other direction (possible?). I had gone down the road once or twice, but it had been daylight. The road forks and i had to choose. Right goes past the lion cubs, and, i swear to god, if i saw another lion cub after the assault, I would have curled up under a tree, sucking my thumb, and rocking back and forth. I went left.

At that point, I convinced myself that every hungry animal was salvating on either side of me as I walked down the hill. I managed my way into my tent, dry pants and all, and sat down on my bed as to stop my heart from exploding. WIDE AWAKE. Remember the story I told you about the unlocked buggy shower and how it was the most terrifying experience yet, that seems like childs play compared to this.

No more moonlit strolls on the Reserve for me. Because seriously, a rhino will laugh at me if i start to clap my hands.

I made a mental note to myself to blog a little bit earlier next time.

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