Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Blogs will continue...


I am back in Boston. I think. I'm not sure what day it is, what actual time it is, or what side of the road i should be driving on.

When the jet lag eases up, I am going to continue blogging about all the things that I didn't have time to share with you all while I was in Africa. I will also include my reasoning behind playing skip-it with my shoe lace for hours in the Heathrow airport.

Because, really, I owe it you.

Just a reminder. My first shift back at the pub is April 1st and i would LOVE to see you. ( well, maybe not you, cuz I think your kinda weird)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Table Mountain

Table Mountain is quite the wonder.

You can hike up to the top of the mountain in 2.5 hours, something i would have loved to do, had i had more time in Cape Town, SA. Instead, I took the cable car both ways. It only took seven minutes and it spun around 360 degrees so you could see everything around you.

The view from the top of Table Mountain, overlooking CapeTown on one side, and the Indian Ocean on the other, is one of the most breathtaking sights I have ever seen in my life.

The fantastic view also marked one of the few times in my African adventures when I really wished I had someone with me to share in the beauty of such a nature wonder.

The wind was ferocious and you had to be very cautious walking close to the mountains edge. They had a security horn that they would "hoot" if the wind speeds raised to a certain point, and everyone outside needed to come in. There was no hooting while I was there.

I passed two friends taking photos on a rock, and heard one say to the other, and this is a direct quote, " Oh. My. God. This is totally going to be your new Facebook profile picture." Ah, I know a good ol American when i hear one.

Down the path on the ocean side of the mountain, I caught two lovers attempting to procreate with their mouths, in a fashion I would like to assume they thought no one else could see. Lovely.

In a small valley of rocks, a family sat on their checkered blanket enjoying a picnic lunch, out of a wicker basket and all. Seriously.

I got sad for a hot second, I am not going to lie, at the pretty cool fact that this family got to eat AFREAKin picnic on a the top of Table Mountain, a picnic that would probably never taste as good ever again in their lives. The Dad had a glass of wine and i could only assume the assholes were eating really good cheese from inside that stupid basket.

Oh and look, there's a bar.

One short cut through the "do not enter; uneven rock zone," thirty rands, and one chilled class of white wine later, I was back to entertaining the thought of how bad it would hurt if i were to ever fall off the side of Table Mountain.


Later, I decided that for me, this wonder was meant to be enjoyed by myself. I cheers the facebook friends, the passionate lovers, and the cheese eating families with alcoholic Dad's, everywhere. I took a (big) sip and then Cheers!'ed the Mountain, myself, and the next breathtaking wonder I would see somewhere in the world and maybe, just maybe, be fortunate enough to be able to share with a friend, a lover, or my family.

( a bottle of wine and a picnic to boot)

At least I get to share the blog.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Message in a Bottle

This weekend I am going to Cape Town to swim with sharks and buy stuff.

I, also, decided Cape Town would be the perfect place to throw my message in a bottle into the ocean. I will be on a boat at one point ( to swim with the great whites), which will take the me and the bottle a little bit further out into the sea, and hopefully keep it from just washing right back up on the shore of Cape Town.

This is what the message is going to say:

Hi There! Today is March 19, 2010.

First of all, Thanks for opening my bottle and reading the message instead of just recycling it or collecting the five cents!

Second of all, You have just become a member of the TBV Message in the Bottle Project 2010! Congratulations!!! How do you feel?

My name is Tara Bailey Vasi and I am from Burlington, VT, USA. I am traveling through South Africa on a working holiday program at the Inkwenkwizi Private Game Reserve in Chintsa. I am 26.
I have always wanted to write a message and send it into the ocean in a bottle to see who found it and where the ocean wanted it to go. Just recently I hoped that maybe my bottle could have more then one destination, hence, the TBV Message in a Bottle Project 2010!!

Here is how it works:

Please add your name, age, and email address to the list on the following page. Also, please write the date the bottle was found, the location in which it was found, and the date and location of where it will be thrown back to the sea. Include as much or as little additional information about yourself as you wish.

VERY IMPORTANT!!!!! Please email the last person on the list to let them know their message was received!!!

Thank you!! Let's see how long we can keep this bottle alive!!!

Sorry there is not poem or love letter.


1. Creator: Tara B Vasi, Age 26, teetin@aol.com, also find me on FB,
todays date, March 19,2010, Date thrown into Indian Ocean off
of Cape town, March 20, 2010.
This is going to be Legend. wait for it. ARY!

Now I just need bottle (haha funny guys, its not going to be Jager), and a captain that doesnt consider tossing a bottle in his ocean littering.

I have no idea how the TBV Message in the Bottle Project 2010 is going to work out.
All i know is that i am going to check my email everyday in hopes that it does.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"Just DO IT" List

1. Ride an African Elephant. CHECK!

2. Paint a mural on the side of a brick building.
3. Surf a huge monstrous wave Dude.
4. Have an art show and sell my art. CHECK!!

5. Drive across the country.
6. Have a purple Mohawk
7. Swim with GREAT WHITE sharks.

8. Send a message in a bottle.

9. Learn all the words to “Bombs over Baghdad” by Outkast.
10. Have a dog. Check.

11. Get a tattoo. Check.

12. Buy someone’s coffee behind me at the drive through. Easy enough. Tolls count, too.
13. Go to the Oscars or Academy awards.
14. Bungee jump not in a cocktail dress, because I just realized that if i did, I would flash everyone when my dress went up over my head.
15. Run a Marathon. Wyman? lil help here?
16. Something that involves an active volcano.
17. Have a chimp hang all over me.
18. Watch the Eiffel Tower sparkle.

19. See my parents really get over it
20. Speak Spanish fluently.
21. Do standup comedy
22. Own a house. Or an RV. Or let someone buy me a house.
23. Help build a house for someone else.
24. Volunteer at the Humane Society. Check. The dog pooped worms. Traumatic. Never went back.
25. Shower in a waterfall. This might call for a loofah.
27. Fly a plane.
28. Have sex in an airplane. Not while I am flying it.
29. Have something named after me. Preferably a beer. Or a sandwich with avocado.
30. Learn how to work a stripper pole. Hey. It might come in handy.
31. Blog. I feel like I have a lot to say?

32. Skydive. Check.
33. Travel to Europe. Check.
34. Travel to Africa. Check.

35. Travel to Australia
36. Travel to a third world country. Belize w Wyman.

37. Keep up with the Kardashians. LOVE THEM.
38. Cook Thanksgiving dinner for my family
39. Be my sister’s maid of honor.
40. Live on an island and bartend and teach surfing. Like cocktail but without stupid Tom Cruise. do you think he heard me?
41. Hug my father extra long after he gives me away.
42. Stop Biting my nails
43. Pay off my college loans!!
44. Drink beer in Munich, Germany during Oktoberfest.

45. Sell all my possessions and start from scratch.
46. Act in a legit movie
47. White water rafting!
48. Plant a tree.
49. Drop a TV from the top of a really high building.
50. Ride a mechanical bull
51. Model something in a magazine.
52. Go to Vegas (and hit the JACKPOT!) Saving for this now.
53. Get a tattoo on a whim.

54. Take a pottery sculpting class
55. Grow and eat the vegetables from my own garden
56. Become a licensed personal trainer
57. Adopt a child. Or a dog.
58. Live Alone. Check. 112 Maple Street, baby!
59. Honk the horn of a huge Mack truck. (Thanks to MTK:)

60. Drink wine in a hot air balloon.
61. Break a World Record
62. Go on a cruise. Check. Thanks Mummy. From what i remember, we had a blast!
63. Write a children’s book. Illustrate it too.
64. Own a brand new car. Check. 2009 Toyota Corolla LE. Magnetic Grey baby!

65. Eat spaghetti and meatballs with my family in Sicily.
66. Ride EVERY rollercoaster EVER. This will be tough but I am willing to try.
67. Ride a camel in the desert and sing the music from Aladdin.
68. Visit the Grand Canyon
69. Get that Barbell in my ear
70. Write a book with Wyman
71. Walk the GREAT WALL of CHINA
72. Watch the

This is the best to-do list i have ever made in my life.
If anyone wants to help me with any of this, let me know. Smashing a TV from the top of a really high building will not be nearly as much fun by myself!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I'm a marathoner... yeah, thats right.

South Africa is in the middle of a drought right now.
Its been going on for about a year now, and Johann said that if some serious rain doesnt fall soon, many of the animals on the reserve are going to die come August.

This weekend, in an attempt to do my part in conserving water during this very dry season, I drank a serious amount of beer.

Dennis wanted to run in the Cabbage Walk, and we wanted to go cheer him on, help out, and maybe, just a little, take part in the HUGE "i just ran a freakin marathon" celebration party. Everyone gets a cabbage too.

We all packed in the back of Johanns pick up truck and drove in some direction, to someplace, somewhere. Not knowing where i was going was mainly based on the fact that i was lying down in the back of his pick up only seeing the tops of the trees and the white clouds. Not the most comfortable roadtrip as we drove along weaving down bumpy south african roads with nothing to rest your head on but a 5 pack of windhoek (the sixth was in my hand). Just a small discomfort in the name of another small adventure.

We pulled into what was once a wide open field, but was now covered with pick ups, bbqs, and people with retardedly short shorts and shirts with numbers pinned to them. I thought of Wyman, my little runner. Wasssup GIRL?

(and then sculled my beer and lit a smoke)

Marathons are tough.

Dennis was prepping and Kim, who was motivated to do more then just drink all day/night( god bless her), decided to take part in the walk, too. Just Jo, Neil, Tim and I now. Its on.

3pm Shotgun popped and the walk starts.

We wandered around for 20 minutes or so and then decided to find our friend Craig who was at the half way mark. Unfortunately, the only way to get to the half way mark, is the same way the runners take. No big deal. Gulp Gulp. Puff Puff.

Also unfortunate, was me losing at my own game, as i got only one runner to take a beer, and Neil, got two. No one wanted a ride, either.

Marathons are tough.

We found Craig, bags of H20, and a new game. For every runner you get to take a bag of water you get a point, and for every beer 5 pts. (I didnt auction off my beers though, and will never, no matter what game we are playing)

I did well with the water though, as my points mainly came from panting male runners. "This water wants you bad," worked pretty well. So did, "Drop that water now, its poison, this one is the purest" and "Drink my water and save the whales".

I got a mixed bag of responses when I accidentally blurted out, "Take this water or my mother will BEAT ME!" Most of them ran faster. However, I did not pass go, and Mother, please be gentle.

Neil, once again, sneaks in for the win as he managed to get the passing ambulance driver to take one of his beers. Phenomenal.

After the race, we drank more beers, and when the sun went down the crazy came out and so did the disco ball, dance music, and vodka.

We danced for hours. I ate a hotdog and taught Kim how to kickflip the support beam.

Neil passed out in the bucket.....

and didnt wake up until morning... I have pictures.

We headed back the next mornign in the drizzle. SHOTGUN FRONT SEAT.

Marathons are tough.
Fo' Rizzle.


What the @#*@#@*&%@# is going on here?

Who the ($*#*(QW&#$&*#^@$#@()*% are these guys?????

OH..... IT IS ON!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Real World: Inkwenkwezi

This is the true story... of seven strangers... picked to live on a reserve...work together and have their lives blogged about... to find out what happens... when people stop being polite... and start getting real...The Real World.

Meet the cast:

Kim, 26, from Manhattan, NY. Quit her job in the hotel business to travel the world for two years. Loves to wave at every animal she sees while simultaneously making animal noises. Drinks Vodka with water and has never eaten meat in her life.

Andrew, 18, from Akton, MA. Formerly a camp counselor. Is traveling the Africa for three months during his "gap" year, which is the year after you graduate highschool and before you start college. (umm mom? dad? where was my trip?) He is heading to Madagascar after his stay at Inkwenkwezi to play around with marine biology. Andrew always seems to be injured. He refers to himself as a "one beer queer" (really he calls himself this) and REALLY likes his ipod.

Neil, 21, landscaper from the UK. Has been here at Inkwenkwezi the longest of us all, going on three months. He loves to drink and pretend he is homosexual. When there is mud, dirt, suntan lotion, anything around, he loves to rub it erotically all over his chest. He loves to sing queen and perform other musical tributes during drinking games. Did i mention he really loves to drink?

Tim, 18, stockboy from the UK. Will be here for nine weeks total at the end of his stay. Loves to smoke fag after fag. Has the best underwear selection i have ever seen (seen because he wears his pants so low... FYI). Enjoys "thats what she said jokes" as much as the next guy, but delivers his own with such finesse. Tim and I will be the only vollies on the reserve for a week, so i bet i will have more to say about in next week.

Tara, 26, bartender from America. Gets excited easily. Has a gigantic tattoo of a tree on her back. Will volunteer to do just about anything with a machete (penga in afrikaan) axe, or pick axe. So far has been nominated as the hardest working female vollie EVER. Loves vulgarity and beer.

Sonya and Don, way older then everyone else. Both from UK. Here on their honey moon. They only lasted on the reserve for two days. They reaaaally hated one of the guides. (he got a weeks unpaid vacation because of their complaints) My guess is they went to Jamaica like everyone else.

Every morning you either wake up sore from yesterdays challenge, or hungover from last nights party.

Unfortunately, by the beginning of next week, all of the cast members, except two, will be moving on to make bad made-for-TV movies, continue reality tv or host the next worst show on MTV. Or in this case, go home, or travel to another country.

Next time, on Real World: Inkwenkwezi, Tara and Tim ride elephants. Stay Tuned.


I heard TNOONS if getting out next week! And I am so happy for him to start his life over. He has been real positive throughout all of this and i cant wait to see him back on his feet!
All you friends out there, hug him and take him fun places for me while i am in Africa. Pleaaaase!

Love ya T noons.

A Serious Attempt At Being Serious.


Alone in her room now, committed to being fearless.
The beat of the insects outside provide background music for her thoughts and name her place in a country that so graciously welcomed her.
Turning her face towards the sky, she tries to think when the last time she has seen this many stars.
She chooses her star, and makes a wish.
The chorus outside would fade, she knew, and her thoughts would be temporarily pulled away by the strings of the wind.
The brief silence wallowed.
The musical reunion would pick up in the morning or earlier if the weather was cloudy.
The orchestration would continue eternally.
She lost hours that night, envying the insects and their doubtless place in the center of the universe.

Oh my god. Thats was tough. Laughing now. Phew, its over....

Seriously though, i couldnt sleep and i really just wanted the bugs to shut the hell up.

I promise thats the last time i will attempt to be serious.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What do you call a cow with no arms and no legs?


Sorry. Weak, I know. Not even a joke really. It's hot, gimme a break.

After the lion cub funeral yesterday, we had to feed the big lions.

First, we had to shoot a cow in the face. Seriously. Normally, we try to use cows that have already passed, but this becomes difficult as we do not know what they have died from and do not want to feed a diseased cow to our lions. (even though lions have the most amazing digestive system)

Second, after the twitching stops, we (not me, not ever me in a million cadrillion years) have to cut off the arms and the legs. We will then freeze the limbs and feed them to the lion cubs. One limb every other day.

Third, we need to drive the remains of the cow to the Lion Enclosure.

Fourth, I try not to puke in my mouth at the overwhelming aroma of hot stinking dead cow.

Fifth, we rig the gate with wire so that dude can open it from behind the fence without the lions eating him too.

Then, we haul ass into the Lion enclosure. We try to go fast, 1. so the lions do not attack the truck, reaching in the windows trying to give us all a haircut and 2. because if the lions pull the carcass off right in front of the gate we will be trapped.

That day, the alpha male, Tao, (who lays claim to grabbing the body from the truck) chased us only 20-30 feet from the gate before he jumped on and dragged the cow from the back of the truck. Bloody mess. It looked like the cow just sliiiped right off, but Tao is freeakin strong and dug his nails and teeth into the body pretty good to drag it from the truck.

Andrew, who was in the truck with me, has the video of this going down. Its insane and funny, because all you can hear in the back ground are lion growls and me repeating, "ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod."

Once the body is on the ground, the alpha female will guard it while Tao tries to find out whether there is any more food or not(by chasing us around in the truck). When he returns to the cow, the alpha female moves over so he can eat first. When he is full, the alpha female eats, and so on down the line. If there are cubs, they will get the scraps. They get most of their sustainance from their mothers milk.

Normally, the second male would eat after the alpha female, but in this enclosure, he is the outcast (he is pretty mangledlooking too)so he eats last.

After the lions feast, they sleep for 5-7 days. Here is a picture of Tao chillin in the shade.

Our lions are on sale for 10 million rand (+/- depending on age and sex). Zoos will purchase the lions as well as game hunters. Yeah, thats right, some rich dude will buy a lion to hunt it for sport.

Pretty expensive challenge.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sad Day at the Reserve:(

Today, we woke as usual and walked to meet our guide at 830am at the top of the hill.
Our morning activity was supposed to ring barking, where you stop bad trees from spreading their seeds by removing a ring around their trunk.
The smell of dead cow swirling in the wind.

Usually we will get right to work. And the coolest part abour ring barking is that we get to take the lion cubs with us.

When they see people they go into hunting mode and stare at you as you walk up to the fence. Today, they seemed preocupied and werent even sitting up in their tree fort.

We looked in to see what the big deal was, maybe they were still eating the huge cow carcass we gave them yesterday? All the cubs were on standing except for the one lying motionless in the sand. At first we made fun of it, for looking fancy, until we realized it wasnt just being lazy.

Byron, the guide, went to and immediately began checking the heart rate, looking for snake bites, and opening its mouth to check for an object. I could never have man handled a dead lion cub like that, but respected the fact that Byron was trying to save it. He called the Boss. And he said to bury the body.

The other lion cubs mourned in the den, crying and meowing non stop, until we let them free and they lay under the shade.

We found some land set back behind the den and starting digging the lion cubs grave. This group of vollies had never been so quiet.

The ground was solid rock, but the thought of breaking the ground, kept our minds focused. No one liked being a grave digger.

Although, I look pretty badass with the pick axe.

We switched off with the digging. The ground was solid, and it was HOT. After the hole was deep enough, Tim got the cub from the den.

We got Byron to cover the body with dirt. All the other cubs huddled around. Maybe to say Goodbye?

Once the hole was filled with dirt. We pattied down the soil and said our final goodbyes.

It was indeed, a very sad day at the Reserve.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Currency Crossroads

Every Monday they take us to the (very mini) grocery store, "Crossroads" to buy anything special we want for the week ie medicine batteries. Or anything else we want to eat besides the food they provide. (cheese, pbj, bread, cornflakes, instant coffee).. we buy food, knowing the monkeys are just going to play with it...

I picked up some sprite, pretzels, mozzerella cheese (holla), eggs, and a big pack of tums (i have acute african tummyitus). My bill came to 84R. I said "Whoa how can it be so much." Then I realized, my bill was less then $12.

PS. Shots of Jager are less then $2 at the local bar.

Just one small example of african awesomeness.

Real World: Inkwenkwezi

This is the true story... of seven strangers... picked to live in on a reserve...work together and have their lives blogged about... to find out what happens... when people stop being polite... and start getting real...The Real World.

Meet the cast:

Kim, 26, from Manhattan, NY. Quit her job in the hotel business to travel the world for two years. Loves to wave at every animal she sees while simultaneously making animal noises. Drinks Vodka with water and has never eaten meat in her life.

Andrew, 18, from Akton, MA. Formerly a camp counselor. Is traveling the Africa for three months during his "gap" year, which is the year after you graduate highschool and before you start college. (umm mom? dad? where was my trip?) He is heading to Madagascar after his stay at Inkwenkwezi to play around with marine biology. Andrew always seems to be injured. He refers to himself as a "one beer queer" (really he calls himself this) and REALLY likes his ipod.

Neil, 21, landscaper from the UK. Has been here at Inkwenkwezi the longest of us all, going on three months. He loves to drink and pretend he is homosexual. When there is mud, dirt, suntan lotion, anything around, he loves to rub it erotically all over his chest. He loves to sing queen and perform other musical tributes during drinking games. Did i mention he really loves to drink?

Tim, 18, stockboy from the UK. Will be here for nine weeks total at the end of his stay. Loves to smoke fag after fag. Has the best underwear selection i have ever seen. Enjoys "thats what she said jokes" as much as the next guy, but delivers his own with such finesse. Tim and I will be the only vollies on the reserve for a week, so i bet i will have more to say about in next week.

Tara, 26, bartender from America. Gets excited easily. Has a gigantic tattoo of a tree on her back. Will volunteer to do just about anything with a machete (penga in afrikaan) axe, or pick axe. So far has been nominated as the hardest working female vollie EVER. Loves vulgarity and beer.

Sonya and Don, way older then everyone else. Both from UK. Here on their honey moon. They only lasted on the reserve for two days. They reaaaally hated one of the guides. (he got a weeks unpaid vacation because of their complaints) My guess is they went to Jamaica like everyone else.

Every morning you either wake up sore from yesterdays challenge, or hungover from last nights party.

Unfortunately, by the beginning of next week, all of the cast members, except two, will be moving on to make bad made-for-TV movies, continue reality tv or host the next worst show on MTV. Or in this case, go home, or travel to another country.

Next time, on Real World: Inkwenkwezi, Tara and Tim ride elephants. Stay Tuned.


Screw this.
They are making me work too hard.
I am going to Cape Town to go surfing.
See ya.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

And I PAID for this!

There have been a few times in this last week, when i have said to myself, "And I PAID for this?"

One time was when i was in knee deep sludge, removing reeds that was clogging the filter for our shower water.

Another time, was when Rodger the guide was abusing/hitting on me.

I can never eat another grilled cheese sandwich.

The most recent time was last night.

After eating a delicious bowl of potatoes and tobasco, I cursed Jagermeister! and said Goodnight to Kim (my cabin mate) as she left to go to the BBQ up at the hill to celebrate Bianca's Birthday (works at the reserve). Man, I love hanging out at camp by myself at night. And I felt like i was going to yuke bomb.

I took a few necessary breaths to slow down my heart rate (didnt work), popped a few advil pm (didnt work) and plugged into my Sleepy time Playlist (Battery low). FML. FMALT. (F My african Life Tick)

Somewhere in between when the lightning crashed and the new mother cried, the scurrying began. I opened my eyes and was face to face with the worlds scariest mouse. He was HUGE. And I bet diseased.

He was standing on the corner of my bedside table, doing the mouse " i am going to clap my hands while my whiskers flail and my nose scrunches" dance.

On my feet now, feeling like I am going to die at 26 via mouse attack, I stand on my tiptoes in the middle of the cabin (more like alternating tip toes like i am running in place) with a bottle of Doom insect repellent in my right hand and my left hand clenched tight. (i think i thought if the mouse came flying at me, because clearly it would go straight for my mouth, I would punch it in the face and drown it in insect repellent)

The mouse could scurry around the logs that we call the ceiling and pause for a nose scrunch break and a stare down before proceeding to the next corner. Half hour must have passed and i was still standing in the middle of the room on my tip toes hugging my Doom. And I PAID for this?

I now also have a pile of shit in the corner of the cabin made up of hats, pennies, razors, and anything else i could find to throw at the little fucker.

Kim came home and I thanked the lord, and then threw up over the side of the balcony.

The rest of the night I hid under my blanket, like a little child, with only my nose stuck out to breath.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Tear Drop

I will be unable to ride an African elephant on the Ink Reserve.

Last December one of the guides, Darrol, got stomped on by one of the elephants and was in bad shape.. in a coma for a few weeks, everyone thought he was going to die.

They stopped the elephant rides and got rid of the elephant.
Doesn't look like i will be checking that off of my list of things to do before i die.

At least not on this reserve.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Happy Hour

Yesterday, we worked in the stables doing horse maintenence. I dont really like horses so i am not going to spend my rands talking about them forever.

Since they are wild horses, we first had to fetch them to take to the stable where we would tie them up and "maintain" them. We brushed their bods and combed their hair. "Shorty" btw has the sickest mohawk on the ENTIRE reserve.

We then "dipped" them because they are covered with ticks. Seriously, in their ears, in their eyes, and even in their bumholes. Total nastiness. When I saw this I deeted the hell out of my arms and legs.

I applied milk creme to "Norman's" sunburned nose. I asked the guide whats the worst thing that could happen to me while doing it. I was thinking maybe he would bite me. He said, "you could get kicked in the face and die" insert puzzled look, "hey you asked". Great optimism.
Even though Norman did not like the nose cream, I assured him it would help him in the long run. He must have liked me because he didnt kick me in the face and kill me.

Don't let my relationship with Shorty and Norman sway you. I still have a strong dislike for horses.

Then came the fun part. Well, whats fun for you and whats fun for me is different, but this job took a bit more skill. And muscle.

There is an alien tree above the horses water basin (bathtub), and is causing a big problem for the drinking water. (the tree is indeginous (SP) to central america, and is no good for S.america. Dennis (guide) wants to bring the elepehants to the tree and have them eat it) But until the elephants feast, we had to build a structure over the basin to protect the drinking water from the leaves. Fun right? Oh yeah..

We had to find two poles at the junk yard and dig two deep (2-3ft) holes. Believe me there is never a dull moment when you are working with two guys, two poles, and two holes. Luckily, the majority of the people in the program, regardless of where they are from (UK:(), have a decent sense of humor and know what she said...

Working with one hole and one pole at a time (as to not overwhelm the boys) one person was in charge of holding the pole (the most hungover, Neil) one person to shovel the dirt, Andrew (trying to be alpha male), and one person to "pound", yours truly (to pound is to use a metal pole as a pounder and pack the dirt down as to better secure the position of the pole). I did good.

I forgot to mention the back of the structure was the fence around the stable. I hope you didnt think we were going to make a shelter with just two poles?

We covered the top with green mesh tarp and filled the bathtub with water in celebration of our achievement. Yay! We build an "anti leave getting in drinking water bus stop sort of looking " structure.

We had just saved the day and felt pretty good. The horses didnt seem impressed and continued to shit all over the place and run in cirlces.

Looking at the structure and talking to the guide, i said " something is missing. there needs to be a sign." I volunteered myself, because i got skills. He told me he would bring paints and a piece of wood to our camp later that night so i can get started on the sign. I think, "Happy Hour" is quite suitable and i hope the (very stupid) horses agree.

Later, in the day my back was on fire from pounding, Andrew still wasnt alpha male, and Neil thought that we had made the structure yesterday.