Saturday, February 13, 2010

Silent Auction Guidelines and Common Understandings

1. Even though you might think it’s a good idea, please do not bid under the minimum bid.
2. The minimum bid “jump” is $5. So, if Joe bids $150 for an item, you must bid at least $155, five dollars higher then his bid, to outbid him. No one wants to be outbid by pennies.
3. Even though you may think no one will notice, please do not bid under the minimum bid “jump”.
4. You may bid a greater amount then the minimum bid “jump” and in fact, may be the best bidding strategy to blow away the competition. For example, maybe you heart #1 and want to slap a bid of $1,000 to it and sit down for a few hours and enjoy some beer and free peanuts. I’m just saying.
5. Make sure your hand-writing is legible. Do not blame your beer or your computer. If you cross something out, rewrite it. The Auction sheets are taped to the bar, so you don’t even have to put your beer down.
6. If you really like a piece, protect it. You could be outbid one milli second before closing time.
7. Closing time is 10pm for all items, excluding “Baby”. No exceptions. Closing time for “Baby” is at 10:30 pm.
8. After closing, the winning bidder will be announced. And high-fived.
9. Remember the funds raised tonight are going to a good cause. Each bid and advance helps, so get on out there and bid lively and have some fun!
10. Any questions, ask Tara! She’s the bartender.


  1. I have apple green dye and clippers. Let me know.

  2. Sorry. It must be purple. But i will keep the fact that you have clippers in the back of my mind.
