Friday, February 12, 2010

Calculation Malfunction

With the help of google, and my extremely talented and beautiful cousin, Jenna Hernandez, I found a a program in South Africa volunteering on a Wildlife Reserve through this company GeoVisions. The program itself costs around three thousand dollars and that didn't include airfare. (just to let you know the flight from Heathrow to Johannesburg is the second longest recorded flight only being beat by the flight from Heathrow to Sydney Australia). Big Bucks. Who would have thought volunteering would be so damn expensive?

Since I had just returned from Belize my bank account was already struggling, but i knew that if i put this trip off any longer, I wouldn't go and instead chase something shiny going in the other direction. Pick up shifts and get re-consumed by restaurant life. Plus it was Christmas time so i had to buy everyone super special Belizean presents and myself a huge vase with a lizard on it. Its a really cool vase.

So, I came up with this formula to see if i would have enough money to go on the trip, trying to take into account, rent, bills, car payments, cell phone etc. Long story short. There was a calculation malfunction and i neglected to take into account the fact that it is WINTER, and although i praise the dedication of some of the alcoholics at the bar, they would have to duplicate at an alarming rate to create the clientele of a standard beautiful busy and lucrative summer Friday night.


I was talking to Kirki Lurkey Turkey Pants about this at the bar and he tried to give me money. I didn't feel right about taking his money. I mean a ten dollar tip is one thing, but a check with my name on it? I fake sobbed and repeated over and over again... I... want... to ..... follow.... my .... dreams.....

Thats when it hit me. I have more then one dream. And if one dream can help another dream come true, well then, thats pretty much the coolest damn dream I have ever heard of.

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