Wednesday, February 17, 2010

over-preparation. the silent killer of adventure.

Trying to pack a months worth of stuff in a camping backpack is not easy. Luckily I can roll one of my tank tops up into the size of a hot dog.
Yesterday for some reason, I felt this wave of fear/stress/anxiety that I was going to forget something that was detrimental to the success of my trip. Since I have the most stress-free life in the world, my body did not receive this well and I had to sit down. And eat a chocolate covered gummy bear.
This is what i came up with. First of all, stressing is counter productive, so i just stopped that dead in its tracks. Second of all, being over prepared for just about anything in life kind of sucks the fun out of it.
Where there is spontaneity there is adventure. And life is either a daring adventure, or nothing at all. My homegirl Hellen Keller said that. Or signed it. Or something.
Because, for real, I am going half way across the world, away from all my friends and my family and my dog, for a month, I suppose I can handle getting to a store there to buy the bug spray I am bound to forget to bring. Who knows maybe on the way to the store to buy bug spray, I could run into Angelina Jolie adopting another African baby? That is one adventure I would hate to miss. I would thank my forgetfulness for once.
Plus, I can borrow stuff from the people in my group. Its kinda like Insta-friend because you know they have to talk to you again if they ever want to see their shit again.
I will also bring a whole ton of gum. Because people love gum. And people love people that have gum.
So in an attempt to carry the lightest back pack on my already doctor diagnosed crooked back, I am packing for a month away what a normal person would pack for a week. It will be all good.
I leave in a week. I just hope i don't lose my sunglasses in that time. But if all else fails, I can always ask Angie if i can borrow hers.

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