Sunday, February 14, 2010

"Just Do It" List

1. Ride an African Elephant. CHECK!

2. Paint a mural on the side of a brick building.
3. Surf a huge monstrous wave Dude.
4. Have an art show and sell my art. CHECK!!
5. Drive across the country.
6. Have a purple Mohawk
7. Swim with sharks. 1/2 Check. They were nurse sharks.
8. Send a message in a bottle. Will do this in Africa. Where will it end up?
9. Learn all the words to “Bombs over Baghdad” by Outkast. Um hello two day flight to Africa.
10. Have a dog. Check.
11. Get a tattoo. Check.
12. Buy someone’s coffee behind me at the drive through. Easy enough.
13. Go to the Oscars or Academy awards.
14. Bungee jump in a cocktail dress.
15. Run a Marathon. (Does drinking at a marathon count at all?)
16. Something that involves an active volcano.
17. Have monkey hang all over me.
18. Buy someone else a car.
19. See my parents really get over it
20. Speak Spanish fluently.
21. Do standup comedy
22. Own a house. Or an RV. Or let someone buy me a house.
23. Help build a house for someone else.
24. Volunteer at the Humane Society. Check.
25. Date a celebrity. A really hot rich one.
27. Fly a plane. And wear one of those stupid hats while doing it.
28. Have sex in an airplane. Not while I am flying it.
29. Have something named after me. Preferably a beer. Or a sandwich with avocado.
30. Learn how to work a stripper pole. Hey. It might come in handy.
31. Blog. I feel like I have a lot to say? Check.
32. Skydive. Check.
33. Travel to Europe. Check.
34. Travel to Africa. Almost Check.
35. Travel to Australia
36. Travel to a third world country. Check. Belize. Check.
37. Keep up with the Kardashians. LOVE THEM. Watching a marathon all day doesnt count.
38. Cook Thanksgiving dinner. Myself. I might not want to actually do this.
39. Be my sister’s maid of honor.
40. Live on an island and bartend and teach surfing. Like cocktail but without stupid Tom Cruise. do you think he heard me?
41. Walk right up to the cutest guy in the room and give him a kiss
42. Stop Biting my nails
43. Pay off my college loans!!
44. Learn how to drive standard. This one should be easy.
45. Sell all my possessions and start from scratch.
46. Act in a legit movie
47. White water rafting!
48. Plant a tree.
49. Drop a TV from the top of a really high building.
50. Ride a mechanical bull (hopefully that day I am not wearing a skirt)
51. Model something in a magazine.
52. Go to Vegas (and hit the JACKPOT!)
53. Get a tattoo on a whim.
54. Take a pottery sculpting class
55. Grow and eat the vegetables from my own garden
56. Become a licensed personal trainer
57. Adopt a child. Or a dog.
58. Live Alone. Check.
59. Honk the horn of a huge Mack truck.
60. Drink wine in a hot air balloon.
61. Break a World Record
62. Go on a cruise. Check. Thanks Mummy.
63. Write a children’s book. Illustrate it too.
64. Own a brand new car. Check. 2009 Toyota Corolla LE. Magnetic Grey baby!
65. Meet my family in Sicily.
66. Ride EVERY rollercoaster EVER. This will be tough but I am willing to try.
67. See Mt. Rushmore. Still on the fence as to weather I really care about this.
68. Visit the Grand Canyon
69. Get that Barbell in my ear
70. Write a book with Wyman
71. Walk the GREAT WALL of CHINA

This is the best to-do list i have ever made in my life.
If anyone wants to help me with any of this, let me know. Smashing a TV from the top of a really high building will not be nearly as much fun by myself!


  1. Two thoughts:

    RV's are way sexy, in a scary white-trash way.

    Poledancing. A lot of irritating and frustratingly stupid people hang out in places where one might poledance. Why not gogo dancing?

  2. Ok go go dance it is. Also hula dancing. Hello grass skirt!?! I

  3. I've been's what I got...maybe we can cross reference some of the good ones so we can both cross them, then we'd have a photographer to document everything :-)

    1) Learn to drive a stick shift (car in case you needed me to clarify)
    2) Run a marathon
    3) Win a freakin' Pub Quiz (how does anyone fit all that esoteric sport/music/science/literature trivia in their heads!!)
    4) Do yoga on a mountain top in Thailand
    5) Go to Thailand
    6) Visit every continent
    7) Learn to latin dance
    8) Create my own blog (although for now, living vicariously through you is okay...)
    9) Be on stage again
    10) Be on an episode of Law and Order (who hasn't!!!)
    11) Learn to do a handstand without a wall (or falling over)
    12) Adopt a dog
    13) Fall in love and be okay with it
    14) Write a book
    15) Be a mom
    16) Learn to drive in Boston/NYC
    17) Go to New Mexico
    18) Okay, just go "road trippin'"
    19) Master the use of lay, lie, laid
    20) Read the Lord of the Rings Trilogy
    21) Live in a yurt
    22) Be as good a person as my dad
    23) Remember to send cards on people's birthdays
    24) Remember people's birthdays w/o the help of Facebook
    25) Get that pheonix tattoo
    26) Make out with a famous person (Andy Dick doesn't count!!!)
    27) Be on Oprah
    28) Pick olives in Italy
    29) Hike the Incan trail up to Machu Picchu
    30) Read my poetry at an open mic night
    31) Get my doctorate
    32) Go to a Phish concert
    33) Be in a Guerilla Theatre group
    34) Live as a minimalist and live off my own land and create my own electricity and have a composting toilet (this may also mean I will be living alone)
    35) Go to Alaska
    36) Get my nose repierced
    37) Celebrate mother's day with my step-mom
    39) Meet someone while traveling and have a wicked cool adventure (but they have to be nice and not creepy)
    40) Talk to the President Obama about what I really think and ask for his insight on some things
    41) Go skinny dipping every year
    42) Learn to speak another language fluently
    43) Sing on The Great White Way
    44) Play Mimi from RENT on-stage (or Maureen)
    45) Be able to give someone $100 just because
    46) Buy a farm house
    47) Learn to knit

    **That's what I got for now...just figured I would share...
